Water, Irrigation, Sanitation, Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Water, Irrigation, Sanitation, Environment, Energy and Climate Change
The department is responsible for the implementation of national policies at the County level. This includes developing water resources and implementing policies for conservation, control, and protection of water catchment areas, managing forests and water conservation, and other environmental information. The department is also responsible for rehabilitation and protection of indigenous forests in all water towers, development and coordination of climate change policy, and promotion of initiatives for mainstreaming poverty reduction in environment programs. In addition, the department is responsible for implementing county-specific policies on energy, including electrical energy, renewable energy, geo-thermal exploration and promoting appropriate renewable energy technology within the county.
Core Mandate
- Developing water resources in the County Management of forests and water conservation
- Development and coordination of the implementation of climate change policy, Act and Regulations
- Enforce environmental regulations and standards; Promotion of compliance with the environmental laws, regulations and standards
- Implementation of county specific policies on electrical energy, renewable energy, geothermal exploration and development
- Increase and improve accessibility of tree seeds/seedlings in the community
- Promotion of appropriate renewable energy technology within the county through extension, training/capacity building, public awareness campaigns and demonstration
- Raise the tree cover to the 10% level required by the Constitution. Conserve sensitive forest ecosystems such as Gwassi Hill Forest, Lambwe, Wire, Kodera, Gembe, aesthetic value and tourism potential programmes.
Organization of the Department
The department is organized into the following directorates
1. Director Water, Sanitation and Irrigation.
2. Director Energy.
3. Director Climate Change
4. Director Environment and Forestry
To provide access to quality water and Sanitation services and promote sustainable utilization of Natural of Natural Resources.
A premier County with Sustainable access to Water, Sanitation and Management of Natural Resources.
Organization of the Department
The department is organized into the following directorate
Dr. Joash Aloo, PhD
CEC Member for Water, Sanitation, Irrigation, Environment, Energy, Forestry and Climate Change
Dr. Aloo Joash joined county Government of Homa Bay in November 2022 as the County Executive Committee Member for Water, Sanitation, Irrigation, Environment, Energy, Forestry and Climate Change.
Dr Aloo holds a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management and Administration (Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology); Masters Degree in Educational Management and Administration (Maseno University), Bachelor of Education Arts English and Literature (Kenyatta University), Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Administration at Kenya Educational Management Institute, Certificate in Corporate Governance from Centre for Corporate Governance, Senior Management Course at Kenya School of Government Kabete, a course in Strategic Leadership and Development from Kenya School of Government.
Dr Aloo has served in the public service for 27 years rising to the apex position of Chief Principal of the prestigious Kabianga School.
Dr. Aloo Joash is a firm transformational leader who has changed the performance of different institutions he has worked in.
He won The President’s Award Scheme through his initiatives subsequently made institutions he led being awarded for the exemplary performance in community services and environment conservation initiatives.
Dr. Aloo is a member and trustee of Educational Management Society of Kenya.
He also serves the society as a member of council of Elders Christ Is the Answer Ministry (CITAM) and coordinator of Kasipul Elders Development Group ( KEDAG).
Sector Projects
Homa Bay County
P.O Box 469 - 40300, Homabay
[email protected]
Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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