Governance And Administration
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Strengthening Institutional Governance and Accountability for Sustainable Development
Following the just concluded 2022 elections, the new County Government of Homa Bay has prioritised governance reforms along the current national PFM reform strategy which identifies fiscal discipline, accountability, and transparency as well as public participation, as levers for development. Within its first 100 days since assumption of office, the new administration has sought to establish a raft of measures aimed at restoring fiscal disciple to restore openness and transparency in governance. A Human Resources (HR) and payroll clean up and related systems audit has been commissioned aimed at streamlining the county human resource systems with clear communication system to engage the public on the same. A revenue task force to review the current revenue system aimed at enhancing own source revenue including dealing with leakages has been put in place, and a systems and internal controls audit is under procurement to inform the needed changes. The 2023-2027 CIDP processes has kicked off with clear guidelines on the need to deepen public participation.
We seek financial and technical support to strengthen governance in the following areas:
1. Participatory leadership through systematic public engagement and information sharing
a. Citizen’s engagement and participation in the ongoing 2023-2027 CIDP development and future CIDPs
b. Develop a structure for Public Participation (Makueni Model).
c. Develop County evidence data centre in collaboration with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics including robust M&E systems.
2.Public Financial Management reforms:
a. Improved procurement systems and processes to enhance value for money.
b. Revenue reforms through implementation of revenue task force report and related restructuring of current revenue collection systems including full revenue mapping aimed at increasing Homabay County revenue increase to KES 1 billion within the first one year.
c. Support for review and enactment of various legislative instruments to strengthen various PFM reforms including capacity building to various accountability committees.
3.HR and personnel systems reforms for a more productive, efficient, and accountable workforce for development:
a. Conduct HR and ghost workers audit by a professionally reputable firm and introduce a biometric HR database aimed
at reducing the current wage bill
b.Deepen staff training and capacity building on critical skills and competencies of operations including governance
and accountability subjects for better performance
c.Implement an HR Management Information System for better HR management and control.
d.Develop county specific HR policies and procedures as well as performance management framework.
The above governance initiatives are estimated to cost USD 1.5M.
Human resource reforms and performance management
Legislation legal framework
CIDP public participation
Other Investments

Homa Bay County
P.O Box 469 - 40300, Homabay
[email protected]
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