Aug 15, 2023
09:03 am - 05:03 am
Uasin Gishu County,
CONCEPT NOTE FOR THE DEVOLUTION CONFERENCE 2023 Theme: 10 years of Devolution: The Present and the Future Sub-theme: Driving Transformation from the local level: County governments as the Centre of economic development Objective: Reflect on the 10 years of devolution and explore locally and internationally recognized methodologies for strengthening systems to enhance transformational service delivery in Counties.
Following the general elections in March 2013, which saw the election of County Governors and Deputy Governors and Members of County Assemblies, the County Governments became operational. Since then, County Governments have continued to oversee constitutionally assigned duties that formerly fell under the purview of the national government, including the provision of health care, early childhood education, urban development, water and sanitation services, agriculture services, and county road maintenance, among others. The first cycle of the county governments was important for laying the groundwork by establishing the basic administrative structures, passing necessary laws and policies, preparing the first county plans and budgets , and transitioning the old institutions, such as the former 175 local authorities.
In the last ten (10) years, County Governments have provided a platform for harnessing new opportunities to address the development problems by planning, coordinating and assigning resources and driving the transformative agenda in a decentralized approach. County Governments have continued to deliver services to Kenyans in line with the assigned functions. While the devolved system of government is now a decade old, the journey that Kenya and Kenyans have traveled through ever since the adoption of devolution is laced with successes, challenges, and opportunities that have helped to deepen devolution further.